
In 2025 I'm trying to write a little melody for each moon, with the idea of going out to a park or someplace with my ocarina and playing it during the new moon, and then again during the full moon. I'll share the ones I write here!

Second Moon (Feb 2025)

Sheet music for "Second Moon 2025, moon melody" by me (nash, @nash@labyrinth.social). It's in E Minor, 3/4 time. Download (MIDI) Download (mp3)

First Moon (Jan 2025)

Sheet music for "First Moon 2025, moon melody" by me (nash, @nash@labyrinth.social). It's in D mixolydian, 4/4 time. The melody sort of alternates between two slow notes, followed by a brief pause & a series of eighth notes leading into the next two or four slow notes. Download (MIDI) Download (mp3)